
Share It Sunday Blog Hop


It's hard to believe that 2020 is almost over!  Can I get a "GOOD RIDDANCE 2020!"? 

I, for one, am looking forward to 2021 and the start of a new mini catalog and Sale-A-Bration!  I have been prepping this week for the "big event" and am sharing with my customers not only the awesome catalogs but am also giving a sample card for them to send out to anyone that needs a virtual hug.  I thought that the message was fitting!  We all need some "happy thoughts" right about now.

This card features on of  the FREE 12 x 12 SAB DSP called Paper Blooms.  Anyone that places a $60 net order can get this for free. 

If you live in Canada and would like a copy of the Jan to June 2021 mini catalog and the SAB brochure, please contact me using my form on the sidebar. I would love to send you them and this card.

Enjoy the holidays everyone. Merry Christmas.

Be sure to check all the great work that other demonstrators are working on.